All Yogaland Episodes

Episode 114: The Good, Bad, & Ugly of the Ego with Sally Kempton
I’ve been thinking a lot about ego lately. I’ve been talking to Jason’s teacher trainees about social media strategy and putting yourself out there. And

Summer Series 2018: Cross Training for the Win with Debbie Steingesser
A lot of people come to yoga to help them balance some of the activities they do on a daily basis. After all, yoga is

Summer Self Care Using Ayurveda with Niika Quistgard
If you’re a vinyasa yoga practitioner you’re probably familiar with the term “building heat.” That might not sound so appealing to you right now, though–especially

Summer Series 2018: Is it possible to balance effort and ease?
We’ve gotten several questions from listeners about how to find the right balance between working hard and surrendering during yoga postures. How to find that

Summer Series 2018: Q&A – How to Avoid Common Yoga Injuries
In this week’s episode, Jason and I are live from Detroit Yoga Lab answering student questions about some of the most common yoga injuries, how

Bonus Episode: Depression will talk. You don’t have to listen. (And other lessons I’ve learned about depression.)
I put together this episode after the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. The loss of both of these talented, successfully, beloved people in

Summer Series 2018: Poses We (Now) Love
Do you remember the first time you did your favorite yoga pose? Was it true love the first time you took the shape? Or did

Summer Series 2018: Staying Sane (and Enjoying!) Social Media
If you’re like a lot of yoga students, you probably feel a bit conflicted when it comes to social media: You want to spend more

Summer Series 2018: Andrea and Jason Share Their “Easy” & “Hard” Poses
For this year’s summer series, Jason and I are focusing on “Building a Sustainable Yoga Practice.” Over the past year we’ve talked about injuries, fear

Episode 106: Yoga, Birth, and Business with Rachel Yellin
Yoga offers us so much more than a healthy body and mind–it also helps us to get to know ourselves on a deep, intimate level.

Episode 105: Epidemiologist Ai Kubo on How Mindfulness and Nutrition Benefit Cancer Patients
Ai Kubo received a PhD in cancer epidemiology from Columbia University, and has nearly 40 scientific publications in peer-reviewed medical journals. Years ago, Kubo was

Episode 104: Julia Lowrie Henderson — Behind the Scenes of ESPN’s “Bikram” Podcast Series
On this episode, I speak to Julia Lowrie Henderson, the producer behind ESPN’s new 30 for 30 podcast series “Bikram.” Bikram Choudhury arrived in the