All Yogaland Episodes

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Postures to Increase Hip Mobility
Learn my 5 favorite postures and transitions for creating greater hip-mobility. You’ll also learn where I like to include these postures in my personal practice

Episode 250: Cultural Appropriation & Healing the World With Kindness with Reema Datta
This week’s guest — Reema Datta — is an Indian-American teacher, speaker, humanitarian, author and musician who has dedicated her life to offering yoga as

Episode 249: Welcoming beginners (and being a beginner) in the yoga room
It’s the new year, which usually means an influx of new students! How can you support them? And how can you navigate being the newbie?

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Building Strength in your Flexibility
We don’t simply want greater flexibility. We want flexibility that we can control–and, we want to be strong in our flexibility. In this discussion, Jason

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Let’s End The “Flexibility vs. Mobility” Debate in Modern Yoga
Understanding the relationship between flexibility in mobility–and, gaining clarity on these terms–is essential as a modern yoga teacher. All too often, flexibility and mobility are

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Creative Yoga Poses to Prep for Backbends
Mobilizing your hip-flexors and quadriceps is the most essential preparation for backbending. Learn Jason’s 5-favorite yoga poses to prep for backbends — and where you

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: How should you tilt your pelvis in backbends?
On this episode of Yoga Teacher’s Companion, Jason answers the perennial questions that come up about backbends: First, should you tilt your pelvis toward your

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Ways to Help Your Students in Wheel Pose
Yogaland Teacher’s Companion is here! Jason created this series to complement all of the teaching and talking we do on the audio podcast but with

Episode 248: “If I don’t slow down, I don’t do something new…”
That title of this episode is a direct quote from Jason. The truth is that the topic — Why it’s important to slow down (and

Episode 247: How to Keep Your Yoga Practice Consistent When Life Gets Busy
When the holiday mania hits, it’s all too easy for your yoga practice to fall by the wayside. This week Jason and I challenge you

Episode 246: The most wonderful time of the year?
Tis the season! It’s the official start of the holiday season in the United States this week. And while there is much to love about

Episode 245: How to Prevent Yoga Injuries
Jason likes to say that it’s more dangerous to be sedentary and not use your body than it is to use your body and risk