All Yogaland Episodes

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: How to Teach the Most Essential Sun Salutations to Beginners
Learn how to teach the four most essential sun salutations for beginners to your new yoga students. This episode includes the benefits, most essential cues,

8 Essential Concepts from Yoga Philosophy to Teach Beginners
Yoga philosophy is so vast, it can be overwhelming to think about how to convey it to beginners (or even in your mixed level classes!)

10 Essential Asana Concepts to Teach Beginners
It’s January, which means, in all likelihood, more beginners are coming to your classes! On this episode, Jason helps you prioritize 10 essential concepts to

It’s time to create a 4-week series for beginners. Here’s how.
Jason is a passionate advocate for creating a simple 4-week series for beginning yoga students. January is a great time of year to do it

How Yoga and Mindfulness Can Help Your Relationships
One of the upsides of long-term practice is that you develop skills that help you in your day-to-day life. On this episode, Andrea and Jason

Slowing down doesn’t sound fun or ambitious or entertaining. Here’s why it’s such a worthwhile skill to cultivate.
Oh the irony. The sweet, sweet irony of going to yoga class to “find balance” or “inner peace” only to find ourselves rushing through Sun

Navigating the pressure to make vinyasa classes harder, faster, stronger
As modern vinyasa yoga teachers there is pressure (both subliminal and overt) to make classes “hard.” There’s no easy fix to this. Vinyasa yoga classes

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: 4 Ways to Change Up & Reinvigorate Your Sun Salutations
You deserve more than just another Chaturanga and Upward Dog–and, so do your students. Here’s a tutorial on spicing up your Sun Salutations and adding

Your 5 Most Common Sequencing Questions Answered
Jason has recently been answering lots of questions about yoga sequencing lately — on his recent webinar and Instagram lives — so we today Jason

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Ultimate Guide to Sequencing for Backbends
This is your Ultimate Guide to Sequencing for Backbends. It’s a master class that teaches you the anatomical rationale behind intelligent, sustainable sequencing that will

Yogaland Rewind: 4 Sequencing Challenges (And How to Fix Them)
When it comes to sequencing, there are a few things that trip yoga teachers up time and time again. Jason’s back on the podcast today

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: How to Transition Into Half Lotus and Full Lotus Safely and Correctly
The details of transitioning into Half Lotus and Full Lotus are rarely discussed. Transitioning incorrectly significantly increases the likelihood of injuring the knee in these