Advice for Yoga Teachers Collection

Episode 91: Q&A – Jason’s thoughts on Warrior I, Navasana, and “advanced” yoga
Jason’s back on the podcast this week answering some of the best questions we’ve gotten in about yoga postures and advanced yoga. (Yogaland listeners are

Navigating the pressure to make vinyasa classes harder, faster, stronger
As modern vinyasa yoga teachers there is pressure (both subliminal and overt) to make classes “hard.” There’s no easy fix to this. Vinyasa yoga classes
Episode 228: Jason talks about the six cores of yoga
Today, Jason shares his approach to the six cores in yoga — the philosophical core, the traditional hatha yoga core, the respiratory core, the skeletal

It’s time to create a 4-week series for beginners. Here’s how.
Jason is a passionate advocate for creating a simple 4-week series for beginning yoga students. January is a great time of year to do it

Episode 237: 4 Sequencing Challenges (And How to Fix Them)
When it comes to sequencing, there are a few things that trip yoga teachers up time and time again. Jason’s back on the podcast today

Episode 209: Sequencing for Twists and Backbends with Jason Crandell
As yoga practitioners we all know that the body is amazingly complex — and there is so much to learn when it comes to getting

Episode 238: 4 Ways to Make Your Sequences More Consistent
Jason’s back with one more episode on sequencing this week. We’re talking about why consistency is so important for teaching asana skills. Then he shares

Episode 69: Jason Crandell — You Have to Trust That Yoga Works
We all struggle from time to time with the question — “Am I doing enough?” This week, Jason and I talk about this question and

Episode 94: Live With Jason — All About Yoga Adjustments
This is our first-ever live podcast recording! From Jason’s training in San Francisco at Love Story Yoga, we dig deep into how yoga teachers can

Episode 141: Q&A with Jason about Teaching Beginners
In this last episode of our Begin Again series, Jason answers several listener questions about teaching yoga to beginning yoga students. We cover lots of

Episode 211: Yoga Teachers — Should You Ask Students to Disclose Injuries?
It was once common practice for yoga teachers to start every class with a simple question: “Is anyone working with any injuries or medical conditions?”

Episode 220: On Yoga and Leadership
Today Jason and I dive into the topic of leadership in the yoga community. People love their yoga teachers–a lot! And while there’s a lot

Episode 139: Teaching Beginners in an All Levels Yoga Class
My husband, Jason Crandell, is back this week, and he’s sharing practical tips for teaching beginning students when they come to a mixed-level class. Here

Episode 143: Full-Time or Part-Time? Things to Consider as You Forge Your Teaching Path
In this episode, Jason breaks down what he sees as some of the pros and cons of teaching full-time vs. teaching part-time. The bottom line

Episode 169: Jason’s Tips for Handling Challenging Students
Whether you’re yoga teacher or a student, you’ve been there for: The Moaner — The student who seems to be enjoying class a leetle too

The Best Arm Balances for Beginners
This week we continue on with our series for beginners (and those teaching beginners): Our focus is the best arm balances for beginners. Arm balances

Episode 70: Jason Crandell — Advocate for Your Students & Don’t Make Sweeping Claims
One of my favorite quotes from Jason is,”I believe that we should embrace anything and everything that helps us and our students be well.” On

10 Essential Asana Concepts to Teach Beginners
It’s January, which means, in all likelihood, more beginners are coming to your classes! On this episode, Jason helps you prioritize 10 essential concepts to

Episode 212: How to Stay in Your Lane as a Yoga Teacher
What do you do when a student comes to you hoping you can help them with an injury? Just what is appropriate or inappropriate? How

Episode 135: Jason’s Tips for Teaching Beginners (and Beginning Again)
Happy New Year! With a new year comes a flood of new students into yoga classes everywhere. Many of those students will be brand new

Episode 181: On Becoming a Yoga Teacher
Yoga teacher trainings have changed a lot over the years. When I did my 200-hour training years ago, I jumped in without knowing what to

How to foster real connection in an online yoga teacher training
On this episode of Yogaland, Jason delves into the intricacies of creating authentic community in an online yoga teacher training. Before launching his 200-hour online

6 Ways Yoga Teacher Training Can Lead to Self-Transformation
Jason joins me on this week’s episode to talk about how yoga teacher training goes beyond skill acquisition and can become a catalyst for self-transformation.

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Ways to Help Your Students in Wheel Pose
Yogaland Teacher’s Companion is here! Jason created this series to complement all of the teaching and talking we do on the audio podcast but with

8 Essential Concepts from Yoga Philosophy to Teach Beginners
Yoga philosophy is so vast, it can be overwhelming to think about how to convey it to beginners (or even in your mixed level classes!)

Episode 174: How to Survive Teaching the Worst Yoga Class Ever
All yoga teachers have their off days. Even those who are as experienced as Jason. This week, Jason’s back on the podcast to share his

Episode 235: Your Students Are Not Your Brand Ambassadors
What do you hope to teach your students when you teach yoga? Is it to make shapes with their bodies? How about your teacher trainees

Episode 37: Q&A W/ Jason: On Teaching, Self-Care, and Forgiveness
Jason takes on questions that surround yoga teaching this week including: To use Sanskrit while teaching or not? How to care for yourself during an

Episode 239: Nobody likes how they look on Zoom
Jason has recorded hundreds (if not thousands!) of hours of asana and lecture videos in the last few years. It might be surprising for some

Episode 162: Jason’s Guide to Teaching Private Yoga Sessions
Being a yoga teacher takes skill, knowledge, dedication, and often, perseverance. But you can have all of those things in spades and never quite earn

Episode 164: How to Nail Your Yoga Teaching Audition
You want to leave your yoga audition with a big fist pumped saying, “Nailed it,” right? This week’s episode can help — Jason gets real

Episode 262: Should you wait between a 200-hour and 300-hour training?
Jason and Andrea explore all sides to the question of whether or not you should wait — and get a few years of teaching under

How Jason designed his 200-hour online teacher training, Part II
We’ve gotten a lot of questions asking about how Jason set up the curriculum for his 200-hour yoga teacher training, so that’s what we cover

Episode 138: The Art of Teaching Asana to Beginners
We all start out as beginners. But that doesn’t mean that teaching beginning yoga students is intuitive. In this episode of our Begin Again series,
Episode 145: Teaching Part-Time is Still Teaching – Listener Responses
The recent episode where Jason and I discuss teaching yoga part-time vs. making it a full-time career really struck a chord. I was surprised by

Episode 18: Jason Crandell – How to Select a Teacher Training Program
Hi everyone! We’ve gotten many questions recently about teacher training that we decided to do an episode that answers common questions. Doing a yoga teacher

Episode 42: Maty Ezraty on Leading with Communication and Love
Maty Ezraty is a genuine pioneer of yoga in the U.S. One of the original co-founders of YogaWorks, Maty is a true teacher’s teacher. On

Episode 23: Q & A with Jason – Fun with Shoulder Anatomy!
Hi everyone! On this episode Jason answers three of our listener questions and it just so happens that they all focus on some aspect of

Episode 236: Why sequencing is your most important skill as a modern yoga teacher
Ninety minutes is a really long time to stand in front of a group and talk, no matter how much you know about the topic!
Episode 159: Live Q&A: Thoughts on Creating Authentic Content and Curriculum
If there’s one topic that eludes yoga teachers most, it’s not the correct angle of the front knee in Anjaneyasana. It’s how to teach yoga

Episode 119: Q&A -Jason’s Thoughts on “Creative” Sequencing & Finding Your Breath in Backbends
Jason is on the podcast this week to answer a few questions that came up about our Summer Series. (This is the long-lost bonus episode

Episode 175: Before You Teach Your Next Class, Do This…
Last week, Jason shared what to do when you feel like you’ve taught the worst yoga class of your life. This week, he’s sharing a

Episode 149: How to Change Your Teaching Style Without Losing Your Students
This week’s episode is a continuation of last week’s discussion on how to cope with changes to your yoga practice and teaching style. Jason shares

Episode 148: Change is the Only Certainty…in Yoga
We’re so happy to be back for Season 2! There’s that old adage, “Change is the only certainty in life.” And it applies to your

Episode 100: Easy Ways to Improve Verbal Communication with Jason Crandell
When I first started taking yoga classes from Jason many years ago, I was struck by his voice. He has a voice that draws you

Episode 68: Jason Crandell on Having a Strong Point of View Without Minimizing Others
Jason is back and he’s sharing just a few of the values he hopes to pass onto his teacher training graduates. We talk about —

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Best Tips for Teaching Yoga Classes on Zoom
Most yoga teachers have been teaching yoga on Zoom for a few years–but, the experience can still be awkward, under-utilized, and daunting. In this episode

Episode 187: Emotions, expectations, and growth mindset
You might be feeling lonely or lost. You might be feeling like other teachers have got this online thing figured out. You might be putting
Episode 210: 4 Key Ways to Prevent Yoga Injuries
In this episode, Jason and I tackle yoga injuries. There may not be a way to completely prevent all injuries, but we’re sharing some best

The Best Backbends for Beginners
Modern life is not great for your back — sitting in chairs tightens the hip flexors, which can lead to a chain reaction that stresses

Episode 3: Jason Crandell on Navigating Life as a Modern Yoga Teacher
Hello peoples! In this week’s episode, you’ll get to hear the dulcet tones of my husband and I talking yoga. We had a great time