Yoga Teacher Tutorials Collection
Yogaland Teacher's Companion
Check out our collection of Yogaland Teacher’s Companion videos by Jason Crandell below. Hone your yoga practice and teaching with these short tutorials. Jason covers everything from yoga philosophy to technique to practice inspiration. Don’t miss an update!

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: How to Improve Camel Pose–And, Update Your Teaching Cues
Learn how to improve your Camel Pose (Ustrasana) and help your students go deeper. This episode breaks down how to make the lower back, knees,

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: 5 Ways to Improve Your Downward Facing Dog
Practicing–and teaching–Down Dog the same way every time leads to diminishing returns and stale cues. This episode breaks down 5 ways to improve Downward Facing

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Yoga Injury Matrix- the 8 Best Practices to Minimize Injuries in Yoga
This essential conversation for yoga teachers & yoga students breaks down the 8 most important factors that promote safe, sustainable practices.

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: 5 Ways to Fix Wrist Discomfort in Down Dog, Chaturanga & Plank
Watch as Jason breaks down the most effective way to help yoga students struggling with wrist discomfort in Down Dog, Chaturanga, & Plank Pose. This

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Perfect Way to Keep Your Knees Safe in Pigeon Pose
Watch as Jason breaks down the most effective way to help yoga students struggling with knee pain in Pigeon Pose. This is a must for

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: Yoga Sequence For Back Strength Tutorial
Watch as Jason breaks down this effective yoga sequence for back strength.

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Most Important Inversions to Teach Beginners
Are you a Yoga beginner that wants to learn more about safe and skillful inversions? Or, a teacher that wants to refine your ability to

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: How to Teach the Most Essential Arm Balances to Beginners
Are you a Yoga beginner that wants to learn more about safe and skillful arm balances? Or, a teacher that wants to refine your ability

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: How to Teach the Most Essential Backbends to Beginners
Are you a Yoga beginner that wants to learn more about safe and skillful backbends? Or, a teacher that wants to refine your ability to

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Yoga Anatomy of Twists
Deepen your knowledge of yoga anatomy and the anatomy of twists, in this 20-minute detailed conversation.

Everything You Need to Know About Practicing & Teaching Pigeon Pose
Learn the best way to practice, teach and troubleshoot one of Yoga’s most important hip openers: Pigeon Pose. In this episode, Jason breaks down the

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: Essential Sequencing Concepts for Teaching Beginner’s Yoga
Here is Part II of my series on how to structure yoga sequences for beginners. (For Part I, click here). In this 20-minute video, I

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: How to Structure Yoga Classes for Beginners
I recently did a webinar on how to structure your classes for beginners and there were tons of requests from folks who wanted to be

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: How to Jump Back Into Chaturanga More Gracefully
Jumping back into Chaturanga more gracefully isn’t about raw strength—although, a healthy amount of strength is certainly helpful. It’s about using leverage and motion to

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: How to Teach the Most Essential Sun Salutations to Beginners
Learn how to teach the four most essential sun salutations for beginners to your new yoga students. This episode includes the benefits, most essential cues,

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: 4 Ways to Change Up & Reinvigorate Your Sun Salutations
You deserve more than just another Chaturanga and Upward Dog–and, so do your students. Here’s a tutorial on spicing up your Sun Salutations and adding

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Ultimate Guide to Sequencing for Backbends
This is your Ultimate Guide to Sequencing for Backbends. It’s a master class that teaches you the anatomical rationale behind intelligent, sustainable sequencing that will

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: How to Transition Into Half Lotus and Full Lotus Safely and Correctly
The details of transitioning into Half Lotus and Full Lotus are rarely discussed. Transitioning incorrectly significantly increases the likelihood of injuring the knee in these

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Best Preparations for Lotus (and Where to Put Them in a Sequence)
Learn to prepare yourself and your students for Lotus (Padmasana). There are countless postures that will help prepare your body for lotus, but these are

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Best Preparations for Splits (Hanumanasana)
These are my five favorite (slightly less conventional) preparations for splits (Hanumanasana). In addition to opening up your body, each of these postures helps teach

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Four Best Options for Setting up Forearm Balance
Meet your students where they are by learning the 4 best set-ups for Forearm Balance. You’ll learn the pros and cons of each set-up and

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Best Shoulder Openers to Prepare for Handstand and Forearm Balance
This episode features the best shoulder openers to prepare you and your students’ bodies for Handstand and Forearm Balance. We’ll cover the best strengtheners and

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: The Best Strengtheners for Handstand and Forearm Balance
This episode features the best shoulder strengtheners to prepare you and your students body for Handstand and Forearm Balance. Make sure to also check out

Yoga Teacher’s Companion: Essential Cues for Practicing and Teaching Twists
The most common yoga cue for twists, “twist from the bottom-up” needs to be replaced. Since, well, the lower-back doesn’t actually twist! Here are 6

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Best Tips for Teaching Yoga Classes on Zoom
Most yoga teachers have been teaching yoga on Zoom for a few years–but, the experience can still be awkward, under-utilized, and daunting. In this episode

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Best Preparation for Bakasana
Practicing and teaching Bakasana (Crow Pose / Crane Pose) is much more accessible with effective techniques. This episode provides you with the four best preparatory

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: The Key to Bakasana and Other Arm Balances
This episode breaks down the single most important key to practicing and teaching Bakasana and other Arm Balances.

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Teaching Yoga Students to Breathe Skillfully
Beginning yoga students often struggle to breath properly in class. As a yoga teacher, we want to provide our students with skillful, accessible techniques to

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: How to Transition into Chaturanga Skillfully
Practicing and teaching Chaturanga in yoga can be difficult. Learning how to set up the pose with a skillful transition is the first step. This

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Best Modifications and Alternatives to Chaturanga
This episode supports yoga teachers by breaking down the 3 best modification and 3 best alternatives to Chaturanga.

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Teaching Chaturanga Safely
Teaching Chaturanga safely and effectively is simple when you understand how to keep the shoulders stable. This episode discusses how to teach Chaturanga safely, unpacks

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: How to Incorporate Yoga Philosophy into Your Classes
In this episode of Yogaland’s Yoga Teacher Companion, Jason discusses how to effectively incorporate yoga philosophy and wisdom in your classes. You’ll learn how to

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Effective Core Strengtheners (And Where to Put Them In Your Sequences)
Learn my favorite go-to yoga core strengtheners–and, where you can put them in your practice and classes to create sustainable, integrated core-strength.

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Best Practices for Shoulder Mobility
Learn my 5 favorite postures and transitions for creating greater shoulder mobility. You’ll also learn where I like to include these postures in my personal

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Postures to Increase Hip Mobility
Learn my 5 favorite postures and transitions for creating greater hip-mobility. You’ll also learn where I like to include these postures in my personal practice

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Building Strength in your Flexibility
We don’t simply want greater flexibility. We want flexibility that we can control–and, we want to be strong in our flexibility. In this discussion, Jason

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: Let’s End The “Flexibility vs. Mobility” Debate in Modern Yoga
Understanding the relationship between flexibility in mobility–and, gaining clarity on these terms–is essential as a modern yoga teacher. All too often, flexibility and mobility are

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Creative Yoga Poses to Prep for Backbends
Mobilizing your hip-flexors and quadriceps is the most essential preparation for backbending. Learn Jason’s 5-favorite yoga poses to prep for backbends — and where you

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: How should you tilt your pelvis in backbends?
On this episode of Yoga Teacher’s Companion, Jason answers the perennial questions that come up about backbends: First, should you tilt your pelvis toward your

Yogaland Teacher’s Companion: 5 Ways to Help Your Students in Wheel Pose
Yogaland Teacher’s Companion is here! Jason created this series to complement all of the teaching and talking we do on the audio podcast but with